Tag: robert evans

S1E13 – Robert Evans on another US Civil War

[audio src="https://pinecast.com/listen/212590f9-9a33-4e15-8e3f-5837da21b60a.mp3" preload="none"]

Episode Notes

Robert Evans can be found on twitter at https://twitter.com/iwriteok
Some of his podcasts (which can be found wherever you listen to podcasts) include Behind the Bastards, It Could Happen Here, The Women’s War, and Worst Year Ever.

Margaret Killjoy can be found on twitter at https://twitter.com/magpiekilljoy
Her patreon is at https://www.patreon.com/margaretkilljoy

S1E5 – Paul on the Autonomous Region of Northern Syria

[audio src="https://pinecast.com/listen/86080c26-a3f4-4f1f-9417-0fbaf95d7e9a.mp3" preload="none"]

You can donate to the fund for US medical volunteers returning from Syria here: http://paypal.me/RojMedical

I recommended the podcast Worst Year Ever’s episode The Reasonable Person’s Guide to Prepping and you can find that here:

For gear lists I recommend theprepared.com